Knowledge Base Article

Announcement: Introducing Cato Connect's new Idea Hub

We’re excited to introduce the Idea Hub to Cato Connect! This is a space where you can share your ideas, collaborate with fellow members, and vote on suggestions that resonate with you.

What is the Idea Hub?

The Idea Hub is a forum for brainstorming and discussing ideas that could enhance our products, services, or overall customer experience. Explain your use-case and issue in detail so your fellow Cato Connect members can expound on the idea or even share workaround or solutions. By voting and commenting, we can surface the ideas that are truly important to our community with context and relevant use cases and examples.

What happens once an idea is created?

The Idea Hub is the beginning of a journey - a starting point for a discussion. Once you have submitted an idea to the Idea Hub, your fellow Cato Connect members will vote and comment on the idea. Perhaps they might even offer a solution or a workaround, or point you to another idea in the Hub about a similar problem to the one you noticed. Each comment and vote creates a more robust story for the Cato Networks Team to discuss, so don't skimp on the details.

How Does It Differ from RFEs (Requests for Enhancements)?

  • Idea Hub: A collaborative space for discussion, exploration, and voting on ideas. It’s designed to capture a wide range of feedback and innovation.
  • RFEs: A formal process for submitting specific, detailed enhancement requests - opened by Cato Networks Employees on behalf of customers in certain circumstances.

By keeping these two processes separate, we ensure that both can operate effectively to meet your needs.

Further FAQs can be found here.

Thank you for contributing to this new initiative! We can’t wait to see your creativity and insights in action.

Stay SASE - 

Your Cato Networks Team


Updated 7 hours ago
Version 2.0