Knowledge Base Article

Following on Cato Connect, so many options!

So you want to keep track of new posts on Cato Connect, you’ve come to the right guide. There are two ways to follow on Cato Connect, and we encourage you to use both.

If you want to know when new content is posting to your favorite forum: go to the forum, and click the bell with the plus sign to follow. This will ensure that you receive notifications (based on your settings) for every new post on the forum.

If you want to know when a new comment is posted to an interesting conversation you didn’t start: on that conversation thread, click that same bell with the plus sign to receive a notification when a new comment is posted.

You may also want to follow an entire space – for example, say you’re REALLY interested in Cato Networks API (us, too, tbh), you can follow the whole category and receive notifications on any post on the forum or best practices area – this will also include future forums or areas that are added. A one-and-done approach.

When you click that same bell button on the main page for Cato API, you’ll see a pop up that will allow you to choose what boards to follow.

And last but not least, you can follow tags. If you click on the tag at the bottom of a discussion, article, or anything else, Cato Connect will take you to the tag page, where you can see all topics with the same label. Here you will find (you guessed it) an icon of a bell with a plus sign that will send notifications when a post receives that tag.

If you have any further questions or would like clarification… or if you just want to chat, write up a post for us, and don’t worry, we’re following.

Published 5 months ago
Version 1.0
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