Forum Discussion

KojiroZaitsu's avatar
2 months ago

For Beta queries

When I query for revisions in InternetFirewallPolicyQueries, I get the error "Operation Failed: received non-200 OK status code [500]. Is there any solution?

I have confirmed that the AccountID is correct, but this query is still in Beta version, so I think it might not be able to execute yet.

  • peter's avatar
    Icon for Cato Employee rankCato Employee

    Hello Zaitsu-san,

    This query works fine for me in my lab:

    Can you please check that your query looks like this and if so, if it is still returning that error, can you please create a case with Cato Support asking them to investigate?

    • peter 

      Hi Peter-san,
      Thank you for your reply.

      I compared it with the image you provided, and it seems that the query syntax itself is not the issue. While testing various things, I found that issuing a new API key and trying again resolved the error, and it is now functioning correctly.

      However, since the previous API key worked fine for other queries such as entityLookup, it doesn’t seem like the API key itself was incorrect.

      For now, everything is working fine with the newly issued API key, but would it be better to request an investigation just to be safe?

      • peter's avatar
        Icon for Cato Employee rankCato Employee

        Hello Zaitsu-san,

        If you have a situation where:

        1. You have an API key with EDITOR privileges ("Key A").
        2. You use that key to make a change using the policy/internetFirewall mutation.
        3. You use that same key to query policy/InternetFirewall/revisions.
        4. You get an error back in the API response from Cato.


        Then I think it's worth a case because that's not how it should work.