How To Get All users Regardless Of Current Connection Status
I am trying to retrieve a list of all users including their last connected datetime, which doesnt seem to be included in the results for entity lookup. I do get this field from accountSnapshot, but that only returns a list of users that are currently connected, I need all of them.
I am trying to retrieve all user ids via entity lookup and then pass them to the accountSnapshot since you can get non connected users by specifying their ids. Anyonehave any suggestions on how to adjust my query? I am working in C#/Dotnet
Hello Bennett,
It's a two step process where you call entityLookup to get a list of users, then you take their IDs and supply them as input to the accountSnapshot query. The entityLookup query looks like this (obviously replace with your account ID):
and then the corresponding accountSnapshot for those three users will look like this: