Forum Discussion
Hi PrakashRIndiaHave you enabled connect on boot? Also you might find this article relevant.
- PrakashRIndia4 months agoMeteor
Yes we have enabled "Always-on Policy" as well as "Authenticate users with windows credentials" but the problem is that both works only when user has done first time login to Cato SDP client but the problem is we are now at mercy of enduser wherein in Netskope, there was zero touch experience for users and we did not ask user to authenticate at all. This will help customers to achieve 100% compliance without dependency on end user.
- HiMeh4 months ago
Cato Employee
Have you looked at pre-login? It works on Windows but not MAC. The client will fire up regardless of them not launching and if they login to their laptop we will pass the creds across the tunnel and the client will then be configured.
Another approach that I like.....I leverage one of the main SaaS providers for the company. Say, SalesForce. Tell them you want your instance to be accessible from a static CATO IP address. Then setup a Network rule that access to the Application must be NAT'd via CATO IP. Your users that don't login to CATO are then blocked.....they will call the helpdesk and ask "why can I not get to SalesForce?!!?!" Helpdesk then helps the login to CATO to solve the problem and Always-On is enabled.- PrakashRIndia4 months agoMeteor
Pre-Login has already been configured and once user first authenticates then it automatically login the user but my problem is first time authentication to SDP client. I have recently migrated and now agent is pushed on laptop but for the first time, user needs to login to SDP client which users are not doing. In Netskope I did not had this issue as it was auto logged in even for the first time.
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