Forum Discussion

MikeOrtega's avatar
Icon for Cato Employee rankCato Employee
6 months ago

What do you think about the new Cato Community?

What do you think about the new Cato Community?

  • Another thought could be an Idea section, where we can post new ideas, members can vote on them, comment, etc. This could be beneficial for learning about feature requests with community members banding together to discuss, providing more helpful data for Cato to digest from multiple sources.

    • MikeOrtega's avatar
      Icon for Cato Employee rankCato Employee

      ChrisRedmondthats a good idea as well. I know Product is working on better exposing things like requests for feature enhancements, but not entirely sure that'll be here in the community or another avenue.

      yumdarlingideas with voting functionality? 

      • yumdarling's avatar
        Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

        Yup - we are working to make something available - I just want to make sure that all the wheels are connected to the car before we put it out on the lot.. is that a saying? It is now.

  • It's got a nice refined look, more streamlined. I also enjoy the Solution being marked. I believe that adding a couple of categories could be helpful. Such as Analytics, Network, Access, and Security.

    • yumdarling's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

      I love the categories idea - I'll add those as tags! If you think of any more, feel free to let me know. The more people use the tags, the better idea i will have of separate forums, more information and content, or anything else we might need.

      You're a star, thanks ChrisRedmond 

  • Answering a question with a question, giorgio ? Withholding verdict for now as I get more familiar.