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If you’d like to change your notification settings, just click on your avatar, choose “my settings” Then click on "Follow & Notifications" Then make the changes you would like to make to your notification settings. If you’d like to receive email notifications, make sure this button is toggled on. Otherwise, your notifications will be only in the bell icon on Cato Connect. Everything here is set to immediate, but you can choose to get a daily or even weekly digest of information, totally up to you. Don’t forget to check out the advanced options at the very bottom of the page. We’re glad you’re here and we want to make Cato Connect as useful and engaging as possible. Start a discussion or email us with any ideas or questions!23Views2likes0CommentsFollowing on Cato Connect, so many options!
If you want to know when new content is posting to your favorite forum: go to the forum, and click the bell with the plus sign to follow. This will ensure that you receive notifications (based on your settings) for every new post on the forum. If you want to know when a new comment is posted to an interesting conversation you didn’t start: on that conversation thread, click that same bell with the plus sign to receive a notification when a new comment is posted. You may also want to follow an entire space – for example, say you’re REALLY interested in Cato Networks API (us, too, tbh), you can follow the whole category and receive notifications on any post on the forum or best practices area – this will also include future forums or areas that are added. A one-and-done approach. When you click that same bell button on the main page for Cato API, you’ll see a pop up that will allow you to choose what boards to follow. And last but not least, you can follow tags. If you click on the tag at the bottom of a discussion, article, or anything else, Cato Connect will take you to the tag page, where you can see all topics with the same label. Here you will find (you guessed it) an icon of a bell with a plus sign that will send notifications when a post receives that tag. If you have any further questions or would like clarification… or if you just want to chat, write up a post for us, and don’t worry, we’re following.26Views0likes0CommentsCommunity Guidelines
Welcome to Cato Connect! We’re excited to have you here. Cato Networks created the Cato Connect community to give our customers, partners, and employees a place to discuss and collaborate on Cato and SASE. In order to keep everything running smoothly, we’re following these guidelines and are expecting users to do the same: Do: Stay respectful and be nice – we are all here to problem-solve and learn, keep your comments respectful and avoid vulgar or derogatory speech. Keep it on topic – Cato Networks and SASE provide us plenty of fodder for conversations, let’s stick to those on Cato Connect. Protect your privacy – keep your network and API keys to yourselves, people! Along with your emails, your addresses, or anything you wouldn’t otherwise plaster on the internet. Protect other people’s privacy as well and don’t post it online. I know you know this, but it bears repeating. Keep in mind that this content is user generated – Many of the solutions you’ll find here may very well work for you (and yay), but sometimes, people have their software configured differently. Use your good judgement when implementing solutions found here. Don’t: Post anything illegal – respect the rules of your organization, copyrights, trade secrets, and any nondisclosure agreements you’re beholden to. Lawyers are expensive. Spam – while some forms of spamming may be obvious (we’ve all seen those condo or printer ads on software communities before), some might be a little more obscure. Please refrain from posting your question in multiple forums or the same comment on multiple threads if it’s not relevant. Please do not send unsolicited private messages that are off topic. We will know, and we will moderate you. Solicit business – keep our community clear of posts that are for advertising and soliciting business, trust that if you make yourself famous by answering questions and participating in the community, our smart and attentive members will notice and reach out if they’d like to work with you. Get weird with images – keep images clean and safe-for-work. Inappropriate language or visuals in images are a no-no and we will remove them. We are over the moon that you’ve joined and want to make this experience the best for you! If you see spam or inappropriate behavior, report it. If you need help, come find us. And if you have suggestions for the community, post them here! By participating in these forums, you agree to the Terms of Service for the Cato Connect Community.33Views2likes0Comments