Skip accepting Cato Client terms and conditions.
Hey everyone!
We are trying to set up a full Zero-Touch (Out-Of-Box Experience) user enrollment and deploy Cato Client for our MacOS users using Microsoft Intune.
When MacOS Cato Client is installed, a half-screen pop-up window asks the user to accept the Cato Terms and Conditions, which ruins the Zero-Touch experience, because user is forced to interact with the app. I believe any other MDM solution has had a similar user experience.
We had never seen this pop-up window on any Windows device.
Is there any chance we can skip this part?
These are corporate devices with corporate-approved software deployed. As your client, our company has already accepted all terms and conditions for your services. There is no need to ask our employees, as your end-users, to accept them separately.
I would be happy to hear any feedback on this proposal.